Who's Who 名人榜
Posted by Cheryl Yee on
They are families and friends. Without their advice and support, Zhen Pearl would not have been possible. BIG HUGS & THANK YOU :) :)
名人榜上有親人、有朋友,因為他們的參與和支持,真珍珠終於從無到有,獻上大大的擁抱 & 無盡感恩 :) :)
Millie Yee 周敏 President of Zhen Pearl, kind and young at heart, Chairman of Taipei Municipal Association of Women Empowerment 真珍珠總裁、慈善又童心未泯、台北市婦女自強協會理事長 |
Falee Cao 法力高 Principal Software Engineer, 27 years of software R&D, now focusing on IOS app development 首席軟體工程師、27年軟件研發經驗,目前專注於研發IOS Apps |
Rachel Chathman 雷瓊查坦 Sales Advisor, funny but authoritative, former Purchasing Manager of DFS Jewelry 業務諮詢、幽默卻有權威、前免稅店珠寶採購主管 |
Yu-Jui Chen 陳昱睿 Metal Guy, good-looking, multitalented in 3D graphics, metal molding and finishing 金屬仔、多才多藝的帥哥、專業3D繪圖、金屬開模和製造 |
Judy Chung 鍾靈意 Mentor, creative, pretty and charismatic, former CEO of Greater China of American Target Corp 良師益友、美麗才女和魅力型領袖、前美國目標百貨大中華區總裁 |
Tsai-Chun Hung 洪才俊 Marketing Guru, full of ideas, stylish and approachable, an innovative entrepreneur 行銷大師、鬼點子王、平易近人的型男、創新企業家 |
Chim Namjildorj 欽南吉多兒吉 Marketing Consultant, gorgeous Eurasian and a capable woman, restaurateur of "Oriental Palace" in Manila, the Philippines 行銷顧問、漂亮又能幹的歐亞混血、菲律賓馬尼拉“華園”餐廳老闆娘 |
Cheryl Tiu 陳美鈴 Celebrity Journalist, charming, smart and trendy, Editor at large of Lifestyle Asia 知名媒體人、迷人、聰明又時尚、“亞洲生活雜誌”巡迴編輯 |
Cheryl Yee 裔式敏 Designer and Founder of Zhen Pearl, striving for beauty and intelligence, former TV journalist 真珍珠設計師兼創辦人、致力追求知性美學、前電視新聞人 |