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Discounts 折扣優惠

We are pleased to offer 10% off first total purchase to all customers. To enjoy the discount, please copy the entire discount code MP7KTU0GVX8V and paste it in the "Discount" field at checkout.
所有客戶享有首次購物九折優惠,結帳時,請複製完整優惠碼 MP7KTU0GVX8V 貼到"Discount"欄位內,即享折扣優惠。

For purchase of two or more items in a single order, we will do partial refund on shipping based on actual combined weight of the items and final shipping costs. Generally, this will be done on the day shipment is out for delivery.

Also, there may be special discounts from time to time, and we will keep our customers informed through emails. Please create a free Zhen Pearl online account, and leave us your email address. If there is any question, you are welcomed to contact us. Thank you and happy shopping!
另外,我們會不定期提供特別折扣優惠,並以電郵個別通知客戶,您只須開立線上免費真珍珠帳戶,就能留下您的電郵地址。若有任何疑問,歡迎聯絡我們。謝謝!敬祝 購物愉快!